A leading information technology consulting and integration company.
Quality System Solutions

Company Profile

Established in 1990, our company survives many generations of technology.

We have never aimed to be number one in the world, in China or Hong Kong. Our strategy is to survive through walking on solid ground and providing attentive, efficient and high value services. We cannot provide perfect services. There is always room for improvement. We value your comments.

Looking back, we are proud to have make friends with all customers. A customer once commented to a local newspaper that we were “one of the rare firms in Hong Kong that is prepared to honor their commitments”. We feel honored, and will continue to work in this manner.

The 21st century is the age of the internet. We have researched and redesigned, rewritten and implemented our products using the latest internet technology: browser based, with interactive field

by field processing, using Unicode. We are selling our products and services in the Great China Region.

We are one of the leading companies in providing travel services systems in Hong Kong. We are an allied member of the HATA (Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents).

Mission Statement

We aim to be a leading information technology consulting and integration company specializing in providing quality information system solutions to commercial and industrial sectors, through implementing state-of-the-art technology by professional and client-service oriented staff.

Key Persons

The principal consultants, Mr Julian Lai and Mr Telris Man, were both graduates of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr Lai has a Master of Science Degree in Information Technology from the National University of Ireland in Dublin, is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, and a Member of the Hong Kong Computer Society.

All members of the consulting team of the company have received tertiary education in informaton technology. Most members have received formal training from vendors of the software products that the company is using.

The business environment, culture and technology is always changing. We understand that in this industry one has to prepare to learn and accept challenges all the time. We are all committed to servicing people in the Greater China Region.

Flagship Product

Our flagship product is "TROMS" (Tour Reservation, Operation and Management System). This is a total solution for outbound tour operators, wholesalers and retailers. It covers almost the best practices of the industry.

Its features include:

Itinerary planning, tour planning, setting tour fares, charges and discounts

Front desk selling, operation control, escort assignment, produce various reports

Issue exchange orders, calculate gross profit, produce management statistics

For big travel agencies, we will customise the system to suit their specfic purposes.

For SME travel agencies, they can rent our system and use the standard processes.

We started to provide tour service systems in 1990, and then improved and enhanced it as required. We are currently the leader in Hong Kong in providing similar products. We estimate that currently more than half of outbound tour passengers in Hong Kong are booked and followed up through tour service systems provided by our company.

Other Products

We have 5 major travel services systems: the "THIEF":

T - Tour Management System, our flagship product;

H - Hotel Room Reservation;

I - Inbound Tour Management, including Fleet Management;

E - Entrance Ticket for Tour Attractions;

F - FIT products and services.

We strongly recommend our FIT System for SME travel agencies: high efficiency looking after sales and cost management, low cost of ownership through cloud computing.

Products for other industries include the followings:

Manufactory and Sales Control Systems: for Jewelry, Electronics, Chemicals, Plastics;

Book Shops and Publication Control System;

Foreign Currencies Exchange System;

General Merchandise Retail and Wholesale Control System.

Technical Expertise

We specialise in the application of post-relational database technology. We are the sales and support agent for a series of products in this technology, including the followings:

U2 (``UniVerse`` and ``Unidata``) Database Systems of ``Rocket Software``

``System Builder`` 4GL and Processing Environment of ``Rocket Software``

``DesignBais`` Internet-based Development & Processing Environment of ``DesignBais Corp``

Our technical environment is more suited to multi-level data structure. Take for example, an outbound tour has many bookings, a booking has many passengers, a passenger has many requiremets, a booking has many payments, a payment is for some passengers, and so on. We are able to provide more features and functions in our products.

Contact Us

Our Office

Address: Office 12, Unit 2602-03, 26/F, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Phone: (852) 2575 1353

Email: tasan@tasan.com.hk

Website: https://www.tasan.com.hk

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